Thursday, March 22, 2012

Three sopranos having spontaneous fun!

Today was filled with spontaneous fun! I had the opportunity to meet with the agent Ken Benson and get many of my questions answered about agents, managers, different career paths in music, and much more. Then we all went to a fabulous pizza restaurant, but since I don't eat pizza, I got the most wonderful cheese filled raviolis! of the best parts of the day happened! The restaurant just happened to be across from the "Phantom of the opera" theatre! (The Majestic Theatre). I got many pictures taken with the pictures on the front of the theatre. Then I did much exploring all day with Jordyn and Mitra. We went to the 9/11 memorial, and it was chilling to see the large memorial pools where the towers stood, and see the rescued materials from the towers. Then to finish off the day, the group met up for a joint recital at Juilliard. The recital was phenomenal, and it was great to see two talented men around my own age. The other funnest part of the day was eating "street meat" with Mitra and Jordyn after the recital. "Street meat" is meat found at street vendors...such as hot dogs, hamburgers, and chicken/rice/lettuce/mystery meat. It was super yummy!! (I brought tums with just in case). We then went to Grand Central Station and I got to experience that for the first time. It is so big and beautiful!! All in all, it was a terrific day in NYC, learning more about the city itself, exploring the subway, and hearing great music.

One content phantom "phan",

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