So, 18 hours of sleeping later....I woke up to the sound of birds chirping, my next door neighbors playing basketball, and my cat meowing loudly outside my door. What an experience! I can't really remember anything past the truck ride home yesterday, but I do know that I had a once in a life time experience this past week, and I won't ever forget it.
As soon as I woke up, I started a reflecting document on Word, so I wouldn't allow myself to forget anything. As I typed up my memories one by one, I couldn't believe how much had happened this past week. The two things that really stuck out to me were meeting Diana Damrau, my most respected and highly regarded opera singer, and remembering Logan Tracey's talk about making a career as a performer. Both were things that I thought were a long shot to happen, yet somehow, on this trip, have become things that have happened, and will continue to grow because I know how to nurture it! Actually talking to Diana Damrau was better than I thought it could be, because she talked with me, responding to my statements and interested in what I had to say. She is the sweetest person I have met (famous) and I really hope someday I have the opportunity to sing along side her.
Remembering Logan's class, the one thing that really stuck out to me was working on my career as a day by day thing. Networking, practicing, researching, exploring scores and new characters are all things I can do everyday. I am so excited to start taking my career by the reigns, so I e-mailed dance studios in Eau Claire and organized a summer program for myself. I worked on my career today and I am excited!
As I go through and organize all the notes I took, and think back to my personal interview with Brace Rice and read all the great advice she gave me, I really do feel more confident in putting forward each foot and taking the steps toward my goals. On this trip I made a dream come true and got my questions answered, and for me, that has been enough motivation for myself to keep going. When the tough gets tougher, I can remember the motivation I feel now, and the more than helpful people I met along my path this week. I want to thank each and every person I have met this week, because they have inspired me each in their own way, showing me that I really can make my dreams come true.
I love you New York City, but for right now, I'm going to enjoy the fresh air of the midwest and the comfort of my own bed! I'm going to enjoy taking small steps and enjoying the progress I make as a musician and as a young adult. See you in the distant future for permanent living!
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