Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Happy May Day!  When I was a kid, we used to make little baskets out of styrofoam cups and take treats to our elderly neighbors around our small town.... community was (and is) so important.

We had our second to last class meeting last week--the students turned in their written reflections and their "Summer Program" outlines.  Each student, in addition to reflecting on the total NYC Immersion experience, was to devise a program for themselves to work on some of their less developed skill areas over the summer.  What could be better than a summer program devised specifically FOR you, BY you???
I haven't read them yet but am looking forward to it.  My summer program will include starting my own blog of my summer experiences so that I have an online presence, immersing myself in the big city life, getting my materials together by updating my bio, CV, etc., taking part in SongFest, which I have wanted to do for several years, and working on my professional leadership through my new role in NATS.

Also special about the last meeting was that each student shared part of their reflection with the class.  It was so moving and a privilege to hear their words of self-discovery and even questioning.  Out of the struggle will come strength.

Until next time.

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