Friday, April 20, 2012

Meagan Moment

I happen to have my own blog, and while unknowingly still signed in to that account, I accidently posted my last blog in that one, so let's get this straightened out for partial credit :)
I have made a big decision recently: where I am going to grad school. It was a battle between the impressive, big ol' Indiana, Jacobs School of Music and small and fierce Oklahoma City University. I had great experiences at both campuses and really couldn't decide. But after making some discoveries about what I know of large cities (New York) I actually did know which one I was going to choose: OKC. I absolutely loved Indiana. It was a friendly place, and had an immense supply of resources at my fingertips. It was so tempting! However, I knew that it was HUGE! The grad program there had around 200 graduate students. I realized I probably wouldn't have gotten in any lead roles until I was almost done with my second year. I knew that OKC was the answer for me. It was small, and I adored how beautiful it was. The opera there was just as impressive as Indiana, but you get more experience faster, and I wanted to get my feet wet right away. I also loved the professor I had worked with at OKC. He spoke my "language" and I understood what he was trying to accomplish with his students.
Needless to say, NYC helped me decide my future. It made me realize what I was ready for, and what needed to wait. I can't wait to go to grad school!

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